Saturday 21 January 2017

inverter,s user setting constant and reference selection of inverter.

user setting constant .
used to set the constant numbers that can be set/read maximum 32 .
note : effective when the access level (a1-01) is set to be 1( user program constants)
constant can not be read when access level is 4 when access level is with in the range of user program constants, the accessible constants depends on the following.

driving mode.                                                          . quick setting level can be monitored.

environment setting method....                .the constants which can be accessed set level quickly.

level method .......                                   .can only access and set the constant which set by a2-01-32

self learning method..............                .not display.
check mode ................                          .not display .

reference selection .
used to set the in put method for the frequency reference
0: digital operator.
1:control circuit terminals (analog inputs ).
2: memobus transmission (s1-k2 )
3: option card .
4: memobus transmission (for cp-717).
note: the frequency reference is input from the control circuit terminals (external terminals ),so set b1-01 to 1, please see h3 constants group for signal level.

Friday 20 January 2017

inverter,s user setting constant . initialize . password 1 and 2 of inverter.

user setting constant.
control method selection.
0: control without PG/F
1: control with PGV/F
2: vectot control with PGs
note : the user constant is not returned to the factory setting when constants are initialized.

initialize .
constant has been initialized according to the designated method .
0 : not to initialize.
1110 : intial value set by user .
2220 : 2-wire sequential initialization (initializes the user constant to the factory setting ).
3330 :3-wire sequential initialization .
note : for details please see the section for user initialization in chapter 3.

password : 1
while password was set to a1-05 in putting password to ai- o4 is to write-protect the initialize - mode user constants .
note :user constants a1 -01 through a1 -03 and a2 -01 through a2 -32 can be displayed but not changed if the content of a1- 04 and a1-05 are not the same.

password : 2
used to set a four digit number as the password .
note : this constant is not usually is to write - protect the initialize - mode user constants if the setting of a1 -01-03 and a2-01-32 can not be changed but only can be read. to write -protect the initialize - mode user constants,set the password in a1-05 after inputting the desired .value in a1-01 through a1-03 and a2-01 through a2-32 user constant a1-05 can be displayed. by displaying a1-04 and pressing the menu key while pressing the reset key .(a1-05 can not be displayed.whith the usual key sequences).

inverter,s Language selection for digital operator display and constant access level .

Language selection for digital operator display.

for digital operator display:0(English) 1.(Japanese) 2.German) 3.(french) 4.(Italian) 5.(Spanish) 6.(Portuguese)
Note: this user constant will not go initialized .it must be manually reset to the factory setting .

constant access level .

constant access level (setting/reference range) 0:monitoring purpose only (only denotes driving  mode,enviroment setting mode)
1:use selection parameters (effective only to access to the contant a2-01-32.
2:quick start:q
note : the user constants that can be displayed and changed also depend upon the control method being used.

Wednesday 18 January 2017


please find below for the definication and content of all the constants in the program mode . the constant with grey color in the table is only for win vc . the content and symbol description is as follows.
constant . the code of the constant
name . the name of the constant
content . function details of the constants
setting range . the setting range of constants
factory setting .  the factory setting  value (every constant has its factory setting value ' this value depends on the control mode )
modification in operation . the constant can be modified or not in the inverters  operation .
o: adjustable in operation
x: un adjustable in operation
control mode : in which control mode can the constant be accessed ?in which access level can the constant be accessed?
Q: quick setting > it can only access the necessary and simple constant of the inverter .
B:items which can be set and referenced in advanced and basic.
A:advanced setting . it can access the constant of all setting levels .
X: items which cannot be set or referenced in that control method.

Monday 16 January 2017

inverter,s ul-14 software and ul-15 functions .

ul-14 software . function
manufacturer's id number min unit-- v/f=b v/fw/pg=b open loop vector =b flux vector=b
ul-15 terminal 13 input voltage level .function.
monitor the input voltage of the frequency reference (voltage)an input of 10 volt corresponds to 100%.
output signal levels for multi-function analog output .
10 volt : 100% (10 volt )(0 to +/- 10 volt possible) min unit=0.1 %  v/f=b v/f w/pg=b open loop vector=b flux vector=b

Saturday 14 January 2017

inverter,s ul-13 cumulative operation time and function output signal levels.

ul-13 cumulative operation time.
monitor inverter's elapsed operating time.the initial value and running/
power on time selection can be set with user constants o2-07 ando2-08.
output signal levels for multi-function analog outputs.cannot be output.
min unit=1hr .
valid acces levels.
 v/f = q. v/f w/pg =q . open loop vector =q. flux vector=q

Friday 13 January 2017


output power.
function. monitors the output power (this is an internally detected value).
output signal levels for multi-function analog outputs.=10v;max.motor
 capacity(0 to +_ 10v possible).
Torque reference .
function. monitors the internal torque reference.value when vector control
is used . output signal levels for multi-function analog outputs . 10v;rated
torque (0 to +_10v possible).
Input terminal status.
function. shows input on/off status .ul-10=00000000.. output signal levels
 for multi-function analog outputs.=cannot be output.
output terminal status.
function. shows input on/off status .ul-10=00000000.output signal levels
for multi-function analog outputs=cannot be output. < bgcolor ="fff165">

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